Gathering APEC Resources APEC Cross-Sector Innovation Ecosystem Conference Held in Taipei

To enhance SMEs to grasp the gist of the best practices on cross-sector collaboration and further to form the innovation ecosystems, the Small and Medium Enterprise Administration, Ministry of Economic Affairs proposed "APEC Cross-Sector Innovation Ecosystem Conference: Strengthening Networks of SMEs Co-Innovation for Better Future" and held this event in NTUH International Convention Center on 12 August. Representatives from multiple APEC member economies, experts on cross-sector innovation, MNCs, and outstanding demonstration teams attended this event.
The conference, which sets "collaborative innovation", "value-added technology", and "cross-sector platform" as the main theme, focuses on the importance of continuous innovation in the digital era, and helps explore cross-sector cooperation opportunities through leveraging the keystone and niche industries. Best practices of cross-sector innovation ecosystem are also demonstrated, which would not only provide the public sector with directions towards policy environment optimization, but also showcase innovative solutions of SME and startups, so as to help SMEs networking with global market. The private sector also benefits from this event, where participants can take advantages to establish networks and discover potential opportunities.
Cross-Sector Innovation
Key to SME Sustainable Growth
The conference is kicked off by Mr. Chen Chern-Chyi, Deputy Minister of Economic Affairs. He elucidated that this Initiative echoes "inclusive growth" and "innovation-driven business environment" which were continuously emphasized by member economies, the 2020 APEC theme "Optimising Human Potential towards a Future of Shared Prosperity", and the 2019 APEC SME Ministerial Statement. This initiative focuses on strengthening networking of "cross-sector", and paving the way towards the innovative development and inclusive growth that stresses experience-driven and co-creation, so as to assists member economies to effectively achieve the aforementioned targets.
Cross-sector innovation ecosystem is different from industrial clusters that depends upon supply-oriented industrial chain, and focuses on cross-industry cooperation. Taking advantages of market linkage, each member in the ecosystem co-creates high value-added product and service so as to stimulate local economy. Extending the outreach and competitiveness of SMEs, as well as contribute to the goal of inclusive growth, this conference serves as the foundation to achieve those targets .
The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted SME operation environment so profoundly that economic activities have turned to online channels, highlighting the salience of digital transformation. Furthermore, to keep participating in APEC Small and Medium Enterprise Working Group (SMEWG) with further contributions, Chinese Taipei will implement "APEC Cross-Domain Innovation Ecosystem Initiative: Facilitate the Inclusive Growth of SMEs Through the Digital Platform Across the APEC Region" with the Philippine in 2021. Through the initiative's implementation, it is expected to promote the digital transformation and integrate the sustainable ecosystem with all APEC member economies.
For further details, or to arrange possible media interviews, please contact:
Ms. Pei-Ti Hu
Deputy Director General,
Small and Medium Enterprise Administration, MOEA
Ms. Yi-Chun Chen
Section Chief,
Small and Medium Enterprise Administration, MOEA