APEC Cross-Domain Innovation Ecosystem Initiative: Facilitate the Inclusive Growth of SMEs Through the Digital Platform Across the APEC Region

1. Introduction
According to the Digital Economy Report 2019 by
UNCTAD, the rapid spread of digital technologies has changed economic
activities, and also has widen the digital divide. In dynamic international
trade, SMEs need to jointly create sustainable business environment through
digitalization and innovation. Moreover, it is also to note that the outbreak
of COVID-19 has greatly enhanced the crucialness of digital economy. This project thus echoes the 2019 SME Ministerial Statement to promote
digitalization for enhancing SMEs’ competitiveness. It also demonstrates the
importance of “SMEWG
Strategic Plan 2017-2020” in encompassing digital economy and inclusive
business ecosystems.
Through experience sharing and best practice
showcasing, this project aims to promote digitalization
to be a vital driving force of cross-domain innovation and strengthen
SMEs in the GVCs to gain more competitiveness.
One forum will be held virtually and onsite simultaneously by Chinese Taipei and the Philippines with over 300 expected participants. SMEs, start-ups, policy makers, and women entrepreneurs will be beneficiaries. For dissemination, “APEC Cross-Domain Innovation Ecosystem Guidebook- A new Growth Path for SMEs through Digital Platform” will be published.
2. Objectives
1) To strengthen SMEs’ digital capability to interconnect industrial clusters and business ecosystems and enhance SMEs participation in the trend of digital economy.
2) To generate the digital know-how that
can drive potential innovative activities needed in the operation of
cross-domain innovation ecosystems.
3. Main Activities Proposed
1) One forum will be held virtually and onsite simultaneously by Chinese Taipei and the Philippines
2) APEC Cross-Domain Innovation Ecosystem Guidebook