2017 APEC SME O2O Initiative

2017  APEC SME O2O Initiative

APEC SME O2O Initiative

Enhancing SME Digital Competitiveness and Resilience towards Quality Growth

Chinese Taipei; the Philippines; Malaysia


1.  Introduction 


In response to APEC Leaders’ instruction in 2015 and APEC theme 2016 regarding the “Quality Growth” and “Modernization of SMEs”, the promotion of competitive and resilient SMEs in digital economy is a direct way to actualize these priorities.


Asia Pacific region has become the largest market of digital economy, accounting for 33% of total market scale, powering SMEs’ growth and creating jobs (eMarketer, 2015). However, only a few SMEs in APEC are currently taking full advantage of new digital opportunities. How we support more SMEs to turn these opportunities into business will be a key driving force for our future growth.


In addition, 60% of SMEs experienced a cyber-breach and the average cost for each worst case was from 100 to 180 thousand US Dollars (PwC, 2014). Thus, lacking the awareness and capability of digital security will make SMEs the “sweet-spot” for cyber attackers. This will disrupt the global supply and value chains, reducing the value by 3 trillion US Dollars in 2020 (McKinsey, 2015).


Therefore, building upon the momentum of APEC Accelerator Network (AAN) and Business Continuity Planning (BCP) initiatives, this 2nd phase of O2O Initiative is a cross-border platform providing training, networking and showcasing opportunities for SMEs. This initiative will assist SMEs in seizing O2O business opportunity and well preparing for digital challenges, leading to a more competitive and resilient APEC SME community toward Quality Growth.


2.  Objectives


This initiative directly echoes “Digital Economy Action Plan” and “Boracay Action Agenda to Globalize MSMEs”, which encourage institutional support for promoting SME O2O business and BCP to move toward a more sustainable and resilient APEC communities. Our aim is to:


1)    Optimize the digital innovation ecosystem

2)    Enhance SMEs digital competitiveness and resilience

3)    Capitalize on O2O opportunities for SMEs


3.  Cooperation with Other Fora and Organizations


This proposal will be carried out in cooperation with other APEC Fora such as ABAC, EPWG, HRDWG and PPWE. Non-APEC stakeholders such as International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), Asian Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC), Asian Disaster Reduction Center (ADRC), Intel, Siemens, Google, Trend Micro, Belfor, Acer, PwC, McKinsey and O2O commerce platforms will also be engaged to enhancing SMEs competitiveness and resilience toward quality growth.


4.  Main Activities Proposed


This Initiative will be conducted with the following main activities to maximize the project impact:

1)    Establish an APEC SME O2O Expert Network and provide policy recommendations.

2)    Holding 6 serial summit and fora, providing SMEs the training, networking and showcasing opportunities.

3)    Publish the APEC SME Guidebook & Monitor to further the project impact.
















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