APEC SMEs New Paradigm of Digital Resilience Forum

Revitalize Sustainable Business through Digital Resilience

Date: 2022/07/05 - 0706

online conference


APEC SMEs New Paradigm of Digital Resilience Forum

Date: 5-6 July, 2022

Venue: Virtual forum

5 July (GMT+8)


Opening by the host


Opening remarks

·  Mei-Hua Wang / The Minister, Ministry of Economic Affairs, Chinese Taipei


Group Photo

·   Group photo with APEC representatives online


Keynote Speech

·    Audrey TANG / Digital Minister

·    Mr. Morgan Teachworth / Vice President, CISCO Meraki




Policy Dialogue

Since the outbreak of the pandemic, APEC economies have launched a variety of relief and stimulus measures that facilitate business continuity, SMEs have been facing pressure for digital optimization and digital transformation. The dialogue focuses on policy experience sharing of promoting digital technology deployment by SMEs to sustain business continuity from the perspective of the public sector.


·    Dr. Yau-Jr Liu / Vice President, Taipei University of Marine Technology

Panelists (3)

·    Dr. Jack C. Chang / Senior Strategy Executive Director, Sustainability, Industrial Technology Research Institute (Chinese Taipei)

·    Mr. Masayuki NAKAYAMA / Director, Office for International Cooperation, Small and Medium Enterprise Agency, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (Japan)

·    Ms. June Suhaila Saran / Deputy Under Secretary, Policy and International Relations Division, Ministry of Entrepreneur Development and Cooperatives (Malaysia)


Closing by the Host



6 July (GMT+8)

Panel Discussions: APEC Best Practices Sharing

The panel discussion centers on the importance of digital technology utilizations to the business continuity planning from three dimensions: digital technology deployment for the purpose of business continuity in the sector of manufacturing and service respectively, and the best practices about how the system integrators (SI) support startups to enhance their digital resilience. The deployment of digital technology and its influence on internal operation and external connection will be elaborated through experience sharing by micro and small enterprises, stakeholders from the public and private sector and women best practices.


Opening by the host


Session 1: Upgrading Manufacturing Process to Boost Management Efficiency

Responding to the pandemic, SMEs in the manufacturing sector introduce digital tools in order to upgrade manufacturing process, reduce costs, and improve the quality of products because the pandemic has caused paradigm shift such as supply chain disruption and decentralization. Therefore, SMEs has to enhance their resilience to adjust to changing environment through the introduction of digital tools (real-time monitoring, IoT technology installed on manufacturing equipment, and cloud) in order to optimize manufacturing process and improve the internal operation.


·    Dr. Huei-Ting Tsai / Associate Professor, Department of Business Administration, Cheng Kung University

Panelists (3)

·  Mr. Richard Ouyoung / General Manager, ANKO Food Machine Co., Ltd. (Chinese Taipei)

·  Dr. Ha Minh Hiep / Deputy Director General, Directorate for Standards Metrology and Quality (Viet Nam)

·    Dr. KOH Niak Wu / CEO, Cosmiqo International (Singapore)




Session 2: Optimizing Service Models to Master the Market

For service providers and customers of the service sector, the session elaborates on how enterprises respond to shifting business operation paradigm after the surge of zero-contact economy, and how they utilize digital tool such as digital platforms, managing tools for back-end data, and tools for analysis in the environment that has been fundamentally changed by the pandemic.


·         Mr. Kevin Ho / Chief Investment Officer/Partner, TMI Holding Corp.

Panelists (3)

·  Yuan-Ren, Cheng / Cofounder & VP of Operation, Heroic Faith Medical Science Co., Ltd (Chinese Taipei)

·     Mr. Tomonori YAKO / CEO, INDUSTRIAL-X (Japan)

·  Mr. Atichanan Pulges / President of Bitkub Capital Group Holdings (Thailand)




Session 3: Identifying Digital Solutions for Micro and Small Enterprises to Support Business Continuity

This session focuses on the collaboration among leading firms and MSMEs, and elaborates on how micro and small enterprises cooperate with system integration solution providers to collaboratively innovate solutions and facilitate SME’s digital technology deployment.


·     Mr. Chris Hung / Vice President and Director General, Market Intelligence & Consulting Institute, Institute for Information Industry (Chinese Taipei)

Panelists (4)

·         Chen-Hao Chen / Chief Strategy Officer, Sien Tech Ltd. (Chinese Taipei)

·         Chee Dai Lau / Assistant Director, SMEs Go Digital (Singapore)

·         Mr. Yeo Zhihan/ Director, Strategic Programmes, SGTech (Singapore)

·         Best Practice case recommended by the Philippines (TBC)


Closing by the Host


Title/Time Download
APEC SMEs New Paradigm of Digital Resilience Forum
2025-02-28 05:02:07


Date: 2022/07/05 - 0706

online conference

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