APEC Cross-Sector Innovation Ecosystem Conference - Taipei City

Strengthening Network of SMEs' Co-Innovation for a Better Future

Date: 2020/08/12

R201, NTUH International Convention Center


APEC Cross-Sector Innovation Ecosystem Conference (Tentative Agenda)

Strengthening Networks of SMEs Co-Innovation for a Better Future

Date: August 12, 2020 (Wed.)

Venue: NTUH International Convention Center


August 12  Programme




Emcee Opening


Opening Show


Welcoming Remarks

Mr. Chern-Chyi “C.C.” Chen, Deputy Minister, Ministry of Economic Affairs


Opening Ceremony


Photo Session


Keynote Speech 1Co-Creating a Digital Future in the Manufacturing, Energy and City Infrastructure Sectors

In response to the global trend of digitalization, Siemens in recent years accelerated the integration of hardware and software and the creation of innovation ecosystems, while promoting key technologies such as industrial cloud, digital twins, and industrial 5G that are essential in mastering the digital transformation. In this session, the speaker will share how to fully benefit from digitalization in the manufacturing, energy and city infrastructure sectors through technology and value co-creation.  

·         Mr. Erdal Elver, President & CEO, Siemens Ltd., Taiwan


Keynote Speech 2 Collaborative Power of Integrating Business with Smart Innovation, Cross-Sector Talents, and IoT

With rapid changes in the business environment, traditional business is faced with challenges of how to make the necessary changes to embrace the digital transformation so as to stay competitive. This session will share the way to enhance the capability of collaboration platforms through the IoT applications and benefit the innovation-led enterprises in their services and business models.   

·         Mr. Chaney Ho, Co-founder & Executive Board Director, Advantech Co., Ltd.


Coffee Break & Exhibition Visit


Panel DiscussionVision & Trends of Cross-Sector Collaboration: A Demand Driven Global Innovation Landscape

This session will dive into the challenges and practices of cross-sector collaboration. The speakers will share the latest discoveries and look at real life examples of effective cross-sector partnerships and multi-stakeholder alliances. The dialogue will focus on how to get started, keep motivated, and bring in new potential business and markets while finding the way forward. Most of all, it will explore the essential foundations underlying different ecosystems that reflect industry transformation around needs that customers care about.


·         Dr. Yau-Jr Liu, Vice President, Taipei University of Marine Technology


·         Mr. Arnaud Peninon, CEO& Co-Founder, UnikBird

·         Mr. Carter Ho, Managing Director & Co-founder, UnaBiz Network Co., Ltd.

·         Mr. Edgar Chiu, Co-Founder & Managing Partner, SparkLabs Taipei

·         Mr. Louis Ho, Head of Business Development, Public Sector, Amazon Web Services Taiwan Ltd.

·         Mr. Jeffrey Chen, Director of Product Marketing, Kneron (Taiwan) Co., Ltd.


Luncheon & Exhibition Visit

APEC Best Practice – Cross-Industry Spotlight

A platform for 12 recommended SMEs to share their best practices and the key elements for transition success. The dialogue will focus on how they embrace the conflict and opportunities to solve problems and bring about necessary changes to develop the capacity for cross-sector innovations.


Topic 1: Navigating the Industry Disruption & Business Transformation through Collaborative Innovation


·         Dr. Hung-Chih Lai, Chief Strategy Officer, Center of Innovation and Synergy for Intelligent Home and Living Technology, National Taiwan University.


·         Ms. Vivian Chiang, COO, BlueX Co., Ltd.

·         Mr. Yeh-Hsun Wang, Chairman, Creative Tech Textile Co., Ltd.

·         Mr. Brian Lin, CEO, O+SmartTech Corporation

·         Mr. Leo Peng, Assistance General Manager, He Qing Industry Co., Ltd.


Topic 2: Boosting Operational Efficiency and Market Growth with Value-Added Technology


·         Mr. Wei-Chao Chen, Chief Digital Officer & Senior Vice President, Inventech Inc., Chairman & Co-Founder, Skywatch Inc.


·         Mr. Peter Chang, Co-Founder, QT Medical Inc.

·         Mr. Stéphane Daucourt, CEO, Team 8

·         Mr. Chien-Szu Huang, CEO, Chin Ching Silica Sand Co., Ltd.

·         Mr. Steven PJ Chang, President, Nadi System Corp.


Coffee Break & Exhibition Visit


Topic 3: Powering the Experience Economy: The Way to Forming Value-Creating Partnerships with a Cross-Sector Platform


·         Mr. Kevin Ho, Chief Investment Officer/Partner, TMI Holding Corp.

·         Panelists

·         Mr. Daniel Chen, Co-Founder, Fandora., Co.

·         Mr. Parham Akhavan, CTO& Co-founder, KUDO Inc.

·         Mr. Quake Hsu, Co-founder, ZEC ZEC Co., Ltd.

·         Mr. Peter Yen, CEO& Co-founder, Pinkoi (HK) Limited, Taiwan Branch

Title/Time Download
Conference Handbook_APEC Cross-Sector Innovation Ecosystem Conference _Taipei City
2025-03-08 22:22:00


Date: 2020/08/12

R201, NTUH International Convention Center

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