Date: 28 October 2019 (Mon.) Makati Diamond Residences
Time |
Programme |
09:00-09:40 |
Registration |
09:40-10:00 |
【Welcoming Remarks】 ·
Ms. Wen Ling Su, Deputy Director General, Small and Medium Enterprise Administration,
MOEA (Chinese Taipei) 【Opening Remarks】 ·
Ms. Blesila
A. Lantayona,
Undersecretary, Regional Operations Group, Department of Trade and Industry (The Philippines) |
10:00-10:10 |
Photo Session |
10:10-10:30 |
Coffee Break |
10:30-12:00 |
Session 1【Panel Discussion】 Challenges and Opportunities for MSMEs in Digital Transformation In this session, the experts and policymakers in the
APEC region will share their views of current digital roadway infrastructure,
labor force and industry connectivity solutions. The dialogue will focus on
challenges and opportunities for MSMEs in the path to digital transformation. Moderator: ·
Ms. Agnes Perpetua Legaspi, Assistant Director, Export Marketing Bureau (The
Philippines) Panelists: ·
Mr. Jaime Casto Jose P. Garchitorena, President/CEO,
Credit Information Corporation (The Philippines) ·
Ms. Arlene Padua-Martinez, Immediate Past President, Philippine Marketing
Association (The Philippines) ·
Ms. Janette Toral, E-Commerce Advocate, Digital Filipino (The Philippines) ·
Ms. Maria Ana Pascual, Head, Offline Payments Mynt (The Philippines) |
12:00-13:30 |
Luncheon |
13:30-15:00 |
Session 2【Panel Discussion】O2O
Platform Power: Unlocking the Value of Digital Transformation In this session, the speakers
will share experience to creative a seamless customer experience across
platforms and channels to assess the implications for the business
operations. The dialogue will focus on the solutions for MSMEs to get
digitally educated, embrace change and hire digital talent in today’s digital
transformation landscape. Moderator: ·
Mr. Kevin Ho, Chief Investment Officer/Partner, TMI Holding Corp. (Chinese
Taipei) Panelists: ·
Mr. Michael Ou, Founder & CEO, CoolBitX Technology Ltd. (Chinese Taipei) ·
Dr. Tuan Yuen Kong, Visiting Research Fellow, East Asian Institute, National University
of Singapore (Singapore) ·
Mr. Mark Joseph Panganiban, General
Manager, Dragonpay (The Philippines) ·
Ms. Griselda Santos, Financial Inclusion Specialist/Advocate
(The Philippines) ·
Mr.Konstantin Tarasenko, CEO, EasyBuilder.Pro
(The Philippines) ·
Mr. Ellard Capiral, Founder & CEO, AdMov Marketing Solutions/Technologies (The
Philippines) |
15:00-15:10 |
Coffee Break |
15:10-17:00 |
Session 3【Mentoring Session】 A platform for 6-8 Startups recommended to share the
best practices on their innovation application of O2O. Each startups will
have 10 minutes include 6 minutes for demo and 4 minutes for QA. Coach will
provide suggestions on business model, innovation, and presenting performance
to each startups during QA. Coach: ·
Mr. Kevin Ho, Chief Investment Officer/Partner, TMI Holding Corp. (Chinese
Taipei) – Convener ·
Mr. Michael Ou, Founder & CEO, Coolbitx Technology Ltd. (Chinese Taipei) ·
Mr. Mark Joseph Panganiban, General
Manager, Dragonpay (The Philippines) ·
Ms. Griselda Santos, Financial Inclusion
Specialist/Advocate (The Philippines) Startups: ·
Ms. Gabrielle
Martinez, CEO, MyKartero (The Philippines) ·
Mr. Gerome B.
Sta. Maria, Owner, GSM Bags
& Footwear (The
Philippines) ·
Co-founder, Smart Education (Russia) ·
HENDERSON, CEO & Co-founder, DRVR Co Ltd
Thailand (Thailand) ·
Ms. Amparo
Nalvarte, CEO, CULQI (Peru) ·
Mr. Carlos
ANDRADE, CEO & Co-founder, Manzana Verde
(Peru) ·
Mr. Kev LIM SC,
CEO & Co-founder, QueueMed
Healthtech (Malaysia) ·
SINDORO S.Pt, Founder, CEO,
Sweet sundae ice cream (Indonesia) |
Title/Time | Download |
Agenda_APEC O2O Forum_the Philippines 2025-02-25 10:51:47 |
Conference Handbook_APEC O2O Forum_the Philippines 2025-02-25 11:25:42 |
Date: 28 October 2019 (Mon.) Makati Diamond Residences