APEC Policy Dialogue on MSME Marketplace & O2O Forum - the Philippines

TAPEC SME Digital Resilience Training Workshop

Date: 23-24 October 2018


Cebu, the Philippines


October 23

08:30 09:00


Opening Remarks

09:00 09:20

Mr. Jerry T. Clavesillas, Director, Bureau of SME Development (The Philippines)

Dr. Kwo-Liang Chen, Secretary General, Small and Medium Enterprise Administration, Ministry of Economic Affairs (Chinese Taipei)

Keynote Speech

09:20 09:40

Mr. Jerry T. Clavesillas, Director, Bureau of SME Development, Department of Trade and Industry (The Philippines)

09:40 09:50

Group Photo

Panel Session I

The Future is Innovation

Innovation is being considered as being a crucial component to define the capabilities of SMEs to survive and thrive in the face of dynamic futures. This session features leaders in the field of innovative corporations coming together for this one-day event to discuss share and shape the future of innovation.

09:50 10:40


Ms. Janette Toral, Founder, Digital Filipino (The Philippines)


Ms. Sylvia Wu, Promotions Manager, Robelf (Chinese Taipei)

Mr. Freeza Huang, Co-Founder & Asia-Pacific General Manager, Accupass (Chinese Taipei)

Mr. Carlo Calimon, Director, StartUp Village (The Philippines)

10:40 10:50


10:50 11:10

Tea Break

Panel Session II

Fund the Future

This session features leading fund managers from the investment space, VCs, crowdfunding platforms, banks, accelerators within and beyond APEC region to discuss practical strategies, products and solutions that will help generate returns in a market of future innovation.

11:10 12:00


Ms. Agnes Perpetua Legaspi, Assistant Director, Export Marketing Bureau-DTI  


Ms. Kimberly Eleazar, Acudeen (The Philippines)

Ms. Griselda Santos, International Finance Corporation (The Philippines)

Mr. Jason Gaisano, Core Capital (The Philippines)

Mr. Volker Heistermann, Managing Director, Yushan Ventures (The United States)

12:00 12:10


12:10 13:30


APEC O2O Innovation Showcase (I)


This session highlights over 12 startups from a range of digital-driven sectors for a first peek at whats going to be trendy in the digital economy.

(6 mins presentation and 4 mins Q&A for each startup)

13:30 14:40


Mr. Volker Heistermann, Managing Director, Yushan Ventures (The United States)

SMEs/Tech Start-ups

Qwikwire (The Philippines)

HygeiaTouch (Chinese Taipei)

Grounded Learning Sdn. Bhd. (Malaysia)

AR Sandbox (Russia)

SHIPPOP (Thailand)

Edunsolution (Indonesia)

14:40 15:00

Tea Break

APEC O2O Innovation Showcase (II)

15:00 16:20


Mr. Volker Heistermann, Managing Director, Yushan Ventures (The United States)

SMEs/Tech Start-ups

Clef Technology (Chinese Taipei)

BeamAndGo (The Philippines)

Sekawan Travle & Tours Sdn. Bhd. (Malaysia)

FlyDarin  (Russia)

BUILK ONE Group (Thailand)

Tasmania (Indonesia)

SoluNova (Chile)

16:20 17:00

Closing Ceremony

October 24


09:30 10:00



Opening Remarks


10:00 10:20

Mr. Jerry T. Clavesillas, Director, Bureau of SME Development (The Philippines)

Ms. Pei-Ti Hu, Deputy Director General, Small and Medium Enterprise Administration, Ministry of Economic Affairs (Chinese Taipei)


10:20 10:30

Group Photo


Keynote Speech


10:30 10:50

Mr. Sergey Belov, Head of Application Security Team, Mail.Ru Group (Russia)


Session I: Panel

Enhancing SME Digital Competitiveness and Resilience towards Quality Growth: Attacking

Efforts made to assist SMEs in digital transformation are seen not only in APEC, but also across the world, however, while SMEs/startups enjoy the benefits generated by the development of technology, cyber security has become an urgent topic that SMEs/startups need to be cautious about. In this session featuring experts and professionals from the field of cyber security to provide insights that will raise the awareness of cyber-attacks for SMEs/startups and help SMEs and start-ups get ahead of cyber threats.


10:50 11:50


Ms. Agnes Perpetua Legaspi, Assistant Director, Export Marketing Bureau-DTI (The Philippines)


Dr. Benson Wu, Co-Founder, CyCarrier (Chinese Taipei)

Ms. Janette Toral, Founder, Digital Filipino (The Philippines)

Mr. Francis Norman Lopez, President, Intercommerce Network Services, Inc. (The Philippines)


11:50 12:10

Q & A


12:10 14:00



Session II: [Group Training]


The training workshop is designed to first raise the awareness of cyber security and digital resilience. This group training will be implemented with interactive activities where participants work on digital resilience within a realistic simulated environment. There are two activities to be implemented within this group training: (1) a realistic scenario training and self-assessment; (2) QA racing game. Participants will learn cyber security fundamentals through their participation in these two activities.

Our lead instructor will give instructions during these games by utilizing APEC Guidebook on SME Digital Resilience with the hope to make your company survive and thrive in the digital economy!

Lead Instructor:

Dr. Jason Kao, Director of APEC SME Crisis Manage Center (APEC SCMC)


14:00 14:20

[Instruction of 11 Steps in the

APEC Guidebook on SME Digital Resilience]


14:20 15:20

Activity I: Scenario self-assessment


15:20 16:00

Activity II: QA racing game


16:00 16:30

[Certificate Ceremony and Closing]

Certificate Ceremony

Group Photo


Title/Time Download
Conference Handbook_APEC Policy Dialogue on MSME Marketplace & O2O Forum - the Philippines
2025-02-25 16:31:23
Best Practice Profile - CLEF TECHNOLOGY LTD.
2025-02-28 22:53:51
Best Practice Profile - Hygeia Touch Inc.
2025-03-01 20:39:29
Best Practice Profile - BeamAndGo Pte Ltd.
2025-03-05 12:49:18
Best Practice Profile - Qwikwire Billing Systems Inc.
2025-03-05 21:28:09


Date: 23-24 October 2018


Cebu, the Philippines

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